Finding time to write again and lucky for me it is still spring so there is the lush new growth and endless blooms to keep me inspired. Here in the south our gardens have phased out of the early spring bloomers and now leave behind their leaves that first emerged in late winter. Those early leaves that brought the hope we needed after a cold wet winter now lay tied in knots returning to the earth. The peonies were glorious this year. I miss them already. One month of spring left and the panicum grasses, two feet above ground, remind us that summer is on its way. The echinacea blooms are low and soft but soon they will be reaching for the sun along with the grasses. Asclepias tuberosa is glowing and calling all monarchs to the yard, leaving me anxious wondering if we ever have enough for them.
Each night after our daughter goes to bed I try to get out to see what has happened since the day before. Spring brings that kind of change. Quick and fleeting. Unlike summer with it’s slow paralyzing heat. I like to imagine all the gardener’s rushing out at dusk to soak it all in. The light is right for taking photos helping us to remember how everything came together this spring. Because we all know that next spring will bring something different that is new and just as wonderful.